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Rhiannon Ford is a Mom, a public school teacher, and a current Osborn Governing Board Member, running for election in November 2024. 

When her son was about three years old, Rhiannon began researching what school district she wanted to send her son to for elementary school. She always knew she wanted to send her son to a dual-language school because of how important the Spanish language is to the Arizona community. Rhiannon and her husband chose to enroll their son in the Osborn School District because the Osborn School District is the best place for dual-language instruction in Phoenix.

Governing Boards have huge impacts on our children and our community each and every day. It is important our community elects advocates of public education who will work to make our schools the best place to educate our children.  Rhiannon is working hard to ensure that all Osborn students receive an excellent and equitable education, regardless of which school they attend. 

Vote for Rhiannon Ford for Osborn Governing Board on November 5th! 

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Election Day

November 5, 2024
Paid For By: Ford for Governing Board
Authorized By: Ford for Governing Board
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